Terms & Conditions



  • Users accept that Locally-Minded does not provide any warranties for goods and services purchased from any business listed on this site. Nor do we offer any assurances on the quality, reliability, durability or legitimacy of said goods and services.
  • Users conduct any purchase from a business listed on this site at their own risk.

Report a Listing

  • Users can report a business listing if they deem it inappropriate or they have evidence it is linked to a scam or illegal activity. All reports are received and judged by the admins of this site. If we deem your evidence confirms the listing breaches our terms & conditions, it will be removed.


  • Users can leave reviews against a business that has provided goods or services to them. Reviews are moderated by the site admins before being published and will be accepted if:
    • The user is confirmed as having bought goods or services from the business by the business owner.
    • The review is considered to be fair, honest and not defamatory.

Business Owners


  • Locally-Minded reserves the right to reject or remove any listing that contains graphic, abusive or indecent text or images. The admins’ judgment is final.
  • Any listing that is linked to a scam or illegal activity will be removed and the user account associated with the listing will be deleted and blocked from re-registering.

Payment & Refunds

  • The Advanced and Bespoke Packages require payment in advance for a minimum of 12 months. No pro-rata refunds will be issued.
  • Refunds may be issued at the discretion of the admins within 30 days of the payment being taken. Please Contact Us to request a refund.


  • User reviews are moderated by site admins before publishing, at which point you will be contacted to verify the customer is genuine but the content of the review will be witheld. This is to promote a fair review system where negative reviews can’t be filtered out.
  • Business owners will have the ability to reply to a reviewer (which will be publicly visible) should you feel the need to do so.


  • Listings have an expiry date of 12 months from the point of publishing. The listing owner will be invited via email to renew the listing for a further 12 months 30 days prior to the expiry date. They will also receive reminder emails 7 days prior, 2 days prior, 1 day prior and on the date of expiry. We do this to ensure all listings are current in order to provide the most accurate information to our users.
  • Any listing that is not renewed before the renewal date will expire and will not be visible in the search results. It will, however, be visible if anyone directly visits the listing URL. The listing will remain on the site until the site admins remove it.
  • Expired listings can be renewed by visiting the listing URL direct or by visiting your profile.

Featured Listings

  • Featured listings can be purchased for a period of 7 days for £10. Your listing will be displayed on the homepage directly beneath the site header from Monday to Sunday only.
  • A maximum of four business listings will be shown here at any one time in a grid format.
  • There is no option to be listed in any particular order within the display grid – it is on a first come, first served basis with the listings being filled in order from left to right top to bottom.
  • If you have purchased a ‘Featured Listing’ and there are already four businesses listed that week, you will be allocated the following week.

Upgrade a Listing

  • Upgrading a listing will automatically renew your listing term for a further 12 months.
  • Upgrading from the Advanced Package to the Bespoke Package must be conducted by contacting us. We will issue an invoice that has deducted the remaining term of your Advanced Package.
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